Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mission:Organization Mondays: Kitchen Cabinets - Results

Happy Monday!!  I did not get a lot of organization accomplished this week.  The reason for this is 3 fold:  First, this was an incredibly busy week for me, both with work and socially.  Second, I started working on my cabinets a few weeks ago, and got many of the worst offenders taken care of then. And finally, this upcoming week is kitchen pantry and food storage areas, and I tend to use my pantry as an additional cabinet for storing serving dishes, as well as for food storage, and once you see my pantry, you will understand why I did not get some of my cabinets cleaned out this week.  It's utter chaos!!!!

Let's get to what I DID get accomplished, rather than focusing on what I didn't.  Afterall, the point of this is not trying to be perfect, just making some headway in my mess.  Here are some before pictures of the cabinet and drawers that I worked on:

The junk drawer was especially bad.  But really, so was what I affectionately call our "drinking" cabinet.  There were glasses with coffee cups, party supplies mixed with travel mugs and more Rudy's and Dickie's Barbecue cups than I can count.  And here are the results:

So I will admit, from here, the drinking cabinet doesn't look much better, but from where I stand, it is SO much better!

This week's challenge, as I said is Kitchen Pantry and Food storage areas.  This one may take me more than a week.  I'll let you know next week how it goes!

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